My Spouse Has A Gambling Problem


Then you have a REAL problem - this is an addiction. Like any other addiction, he needs to go to counseling. There are some medications than can help - sometimes. If you live where gambling is legal (or where casinos are nearby such as a reservation), then you may need to seriously consider moving. Everybody has their own favorite casino game, be it roulette, blackjack or online slots. The most popular casino games have always been roulette, blackjack and Does My Spouse Have A Gambling Problem slot machines and this hasn't changed with online casinos either.

Does My Spouse Have A Gambling Problem

I hope that I can get some help or if not I desperately need to be able to
talk about how after being married for over 20 years that
now there is a third 'person'( gambling ) and it is tearing me apart.

My Spouse Has A Gambling Problem

Each time I have tried to talk to my husband about his gambling, he has
turned on me with such anger and resentment.

My Spouse Has A Gambling Problem

He said the reason he gambles is that it relaxes him.

And he adamantly said he does not want me to question him on this again.
Meanwhile, we owe money to the I.R.S and are facing our lease to end on
our current home, and really need to save money so that we can afford to
move in three months.

What To Do When Your Spouse Has A Gambling Problem

I just feel lost....

My Spouse Has A Gambling Problem

My Spouse Has A Gambling Problem Now